Tuesday, June 2, 2009


What is Biology?

Biology is the study of life. As we study biology, we will frequently run across a lot of “big words” that you will need to learn. One thing that can help you understand those words, which will also aid you in everything from reading the newspaper to communicating with your doctor, is to know the Greek or Latin (or other) derivations of the wordstems which make up those words. For example, the word “biology” is made from the wordstems bios, which means “life,” and -logy which means “to study” or “the study of.”

Anatomy: the study of the structure of organisms

Botany: the study of plant life

Biochemistry: the study of the chemistry or chemical compositions of living things

Cytology: the study of the structure, function, multiplication, pathology, and life history of cells

Ecology: the study of the relations of living things to their environment

Embryology: the study of the development of organisms

Entomology: the study of insects

Genetics: the study of heredity and variation of organisms

Histology: the study of the minute structures of plant and animal tissues

Ichthyology: the study of fishes

Microbiology: the study of microscopic forms of life

Mycology: the study of fungi

Ornithology: the study of birds

Parasitology: study of parasites

Paleontology: the study of the life of past geological periods as known from fossil remains

Pathology: the study of the nature of diseases and the structural and functional changes produced by them

Phycology: the study of algae

Physiology: the study of the functions of living organisms and their parts

Taxonomy: the study of the description, identification, naming and classification of organisms

Virology: the study of viruses

Zoology: the study concerned with the animal kingdom and the lives of its members as individuals and classes

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